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You do have the option to save your videos to your account after the video is complete. Here’s how to go live on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. This is a bit scary, but having raw footage-mistakes and all- shows that you have nothing to hide and humanizes your brand.

  • Live streams on Social Media: These are pretty much the same as live-action videos, but without the ability to edit.
  • Having flesh-and-blood people in your explainer video can create an emotional connection for viewers, as we are naturally drawn to other human faces.

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    Live-action explainer videos are usually best for companies selling a physical product or people-oriented service, such as a restaurant or consulting group. Examples of this include the Dollar Shave Club and PooPourri videos (see below). Live-Action Explainer Videos: A non-animated promotional video explaining your business’s product or service.How to go about creating explainer videos for your website.The different types of explainer videos you can make.Why explainer videos are good for business.

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    The best explainer videos on the web and why they work.

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    The question is – how do you get your own explainer video? There’s no arguing that online videos are fantastic assets for a business.

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